Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Retail Marketing

Robots in Restaurants
              In a day and age where technology is advancing at an exponential rate, hearing about new advancements like self-driving cars or 3D printing is commonplace. Robotics has been making its way into consumers’ everyday lives. Now, a small startup in the Silicon Valley is introducing the world to robotics in restaurants.
              Zume Pizza in California is a startup pizza company that is interrupting the food service business and introducing the world to food-tech firms. Zume Pizza uses machines and robots to send pizza dough down a conveyer belt, add sauce, spread it, and place the pizza in the oven. They will soon be adding robots to make the dough, add toppings, take the pizzas out of the oven, and slice them for delivery. The firm has even spoke about delivery trucks that make and cook the order while en-route.
              The goal of adding robots to do boring, repetitive jobs is to eliminate costs and allow human employees to do more meaningful and valuable tasks. By cutting out interaction between employees and machines it also decreases injury risk. Robots will also be able to control quality and consistency measures. Although there are numerous pros to robots in restaurants, it may eliminate the number of people employed in the restaurant business. Robots also do not yet possess the capability to use judgement to make quick decisions or have the complex skillset to make dishes in certain restaurants. Only time will tell how successful robots will be in restaurants. What are your feelings about this major change to the restaurant business?

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