Thursday, September 29, 2016

4 Ways to Improve Personal Branding Using Facebook

4 Ways to Improve Personal Branding Using Facebook
            YouTube is known for being the number one channel for personal branding, with over and estimated 81 million videos published worldwide.  Many people must wonder how can one be heard, or stand out in the online community? Well, the next trend for personal branding is here and there are four main ways Facebook Live will help individual or businesses increase their online presence.  The first way is Facebook Live offers well-known brands, small businesses and independent entrepreneurs the chance to network with possible new customers, and strengthen personal connections between existing customers and your business.  Facebook Live makes it easy for the viewer to interact with your post by simply scrolling over it.  The next benefit to Facebook Live is that video’s are designed and intended to be a little raw.   The viewers understand it is not meant to be a completely professional video, and that is it supposed to be more of a “point and shoot” type of video.  The third area is considered technical tips. Many suggest using a high quality smart phone.  Start by picking a well-lit area, but try not to have the sunlight coming in directly behind you because it will fade and create shadows on the video.  The final and fourth way Facebook Live can help improve personal branding is with marketing tips.  Try to schedule a time for the live stream when you know your target audience will be watching.  Write a detailed summary of your video, so your viewers know who you are, and why you are doing the video.  Asking questions is a great way to get the audience involved, and create more traffic on the feed from comments and interactions.  Make sure to thank your audience after the video and give them a “call to action”.  For example ask your viewers to follow your LinkedIn or Twitter account. This will help you further a connection with your viewers as well as follow up with them.  Facebook Live is a powerful and affordable tool that can help create awareness about your product or service.

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