Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Companies Biggest Marketing Asset: Athletes

A Companies Biggest Marketing Asset: Athletes

When your son, daughter, or friend buys a product, it most likely is related to an athlete in a way. Athletes in the United States bring in millions of dollars in revenue for a multitude of companies. People want to be just as cool as the world’s greatest athletes.  When basketball players wear Kobe sneakers, they feel they can play as good as Kobe Bryant, while looking as good as him as well.

As companies sign major athletes to endorse products, consumers from the corners of the earth buy the endorsed items. For example, Arnold Palmer’s name has changed the way you drink iced tea. The drink ‘Arnold Palmer’ has been a hit and has brought in a lot of money for Lipton, not only for its taste, but because Arnold Palmer is a sports icon. Although Arnold Palmer has been known for his specialty drink, there are many more things he had endorsed in his lifetime. One of which was with an airline company. It not only allowed for the airline to excel, but created competition among other airlines. After that deal, he signed an endorsement with a hotel, to again create other hotels to compete with pricing.  This has been a reoccurring loop for many different companies today, and has allowed for marketing to become a major key in how well products are perceived. Athletes today, in my eyes, are a company’s biggest marketing asset.

If you see an athlete endorsing an item, does it make you want to buy it more?

Do you think that athletes dominate the marketing and endorsement world? Why or why not?


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